Dear Urbana Families,
We are looking forward to another amazing Urbana Youth Pom season for Fall 2024!
2024 Urbana Youth Pom fall registration will open Saturday, April 13 at 9:00am. Space is limited for all squads, so mark your calendar. Spaces are filled on a first come basis with the option to join a waitlist. Waitlisted athletes will be notified if a spot opens or if coaches agree to take any extra athletes in addition to the programs set number.
TeamSnap registration link:
-A flat fee of $125 includes the registration fee and new bow for the season. Registration fees are used for full program season expenses.
Uniforms will be purchased at an additional cost.
We will be keeping the same uniforms as the 2023 season.
RETURNING Poms (2023 season): Please confirm if your uniform and white jersey can be worn again for the 2024 season. If you need any new prices (due to size, damage or lost piece), we will have an online store for you to purchase items a-la-carte at our upcoming uniform fitting.
NEW Poms (or returning from before 2023): You will be required to purchase our updated (2023) 5-piece uniform (includes tank top, skirt, long sleeve shrug, leggings and white personalized jersey). We will host a uniform fitting in the upcoming weeks. Uniform cost is $150 (includes all pieces)
USED UNIFORMS: All Poms (returning or new) will have the opportunity to purchase gently used uniform pieces at a discounted price. More information on an online Facebook uniform swap group coming soon.
Pom Camp:
“Teamwork Dreamwork” 2024 Pom Camp
Pom Camp registration: https://registration.teamsnap.com/form/6711
This year’s camp will be held the evenings of Monday, July 29th - Thursday, August 1st from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Camp is open to any rising 2024 K-8th grade participant. Camp days will focus on age appropriate choreography combos, technique, skills, teambuildimg & fun. We will learn the new 2024 Spirit Dance, which we will perform later in the season at UHS Youth Night.
Pom Camp is a fundraiser that not only benefits our athletes by learning and growing, but 100% of the proceeds raised go straight back into our program. Come dance with us! You do not need to be on a 2024 Pom team to attend camp, so share with your friends!
Volunteer Positions:
We want to acknowledge that the Urbana youth Poms program is run completely on a voluntary basis. All coaches, Jr Coaches, commissioners, summer camp helpers are strictly 100% volunteer positions. All other roles associated with the Urbana youth pom program (such as team moms, banquet, coordinator, photo schedule coordinator, eighth grade night recognition, etc.) are also 100% volunteer positions. It takes a village!
Looking forward to dancing with you!
Kelli Fox, Liz Simons, and Manda Mackintosh
URC Youth Pom Co-Commissioners
We look forward to kicking off this season with you!
Manda Mackintosh, Liz Simons, and Kelli Fox
Urbana Youth Pom Co-Commissioners