leave your legacy

Megan Fautrel

Serving as commissioner for the program from 2020-2023, Megan grew the program to what you see and know today. She worked tirelessly to make sure that each year was better than the last and created amazing traditions along the way. While she is no longer with the rec program, she is still active in the cheer community. We cannot thank Megan enough for her contributions to this program!


Leah Strout

Leah was the woman behind the woman. She joined the program in 2017, started coaching in 2018 and continued coaching while serving as assistant commissioner for the program from 2020-2023. She is passionate about Rec Cheer because it offers athletes an opportunity to cheer with their peers regardless of skill level, form new friendships across different schools in their district, and support their community. Leah also continues to be an active member of the competition cheer community.


Amy Smith

Amy had coached with the program since she first enrolled her daughter Charlotte in 2015! Urbana Rec Cheer could not have been quite as successful without Amy's unique insight into the program. She gave 100% each season, all the way until the end, and through the very last day of the 2023 season in a bittersweet Super Bowl game. While it took a while (all 9 years) for Amy to warm up to football, she will not be going far as she'll be in the stands cheering on her youngest in the football program.


In Memoriam

Ashley Bartlett

January 15, 1987 ~ January 22, 2022

Ashley was part of the Urbana Cheer family for 7 years. Ashley was a single mother to four amazing girls, all of which cheered for the youth program. She was the mini pony coach, a community volunteer, the URC secretary and a small business owner.  Her plate was full, but so was her heart. She was dedicated to her girls and made everything look easy! Ashley would take on anything that was asked of her and she would do it with a smile and a simple response of “it's going to be great!” Ashley's life and light was taken away far too early and she will always be remembered and missed by the Urbana Cheer family.
